Murtuza Dhinojwala, is a VP of Aggregate Intelligence, a provider of big data to the global travel industry. When working with airline revenue management teams, supplying them with competitive fare information, schedules, rate parity, and rules insight, Murtuza realized that many carriers need reliable and timely competitive fare insights, yet currently lack the access and resources.
Often, they simply do not have the staff to process the overwhelming amount of information. Or have the budget for expensive third-party integrations that come with significant financial obligations.
Especially with increasing fare volatility, Murtuza knew that just collecting and providing billions of rows of data was not enough. That within this massive amount of information was a story waiting to be told. What was lacking was clear visualization and analysis tools to see the constantly changing and massive fare management landscape.
When Aggregate Intelligence first began providing fare data in 2015, FareTrack’s data aggregation foundation was laid. The next phase was to create a reliable BI solution. An easy-to-use tool that is budget-friendly, no significant financial obligations, and requires no integration.
So, Murtuza created FareTrack, an easy-to-use BI tool that airlines large and small can immediately use to visualize and compare competitors’ fares and schedules.
FareTrack Arrives on Time

The pandemic has decimated the airline industry. The historic global drop in passenger volume has forced airlines to reduce schedules, park planes, and significantly reduce resources and staff.
And while optimizing fares has always been vital, its importance now is likely even more critical. Additionally, the advancement of dynamic fares means fare volatility is increasingly an opportunity and a challenge.
Revenue managers and systems seek to provide the right price at the right moment on the right distribution channel. The right price means optimizing fares in relation to competitors. Airlines need to understand and react to the competition. And they need to monitor their distribution channels to verify parity agreements are followed.
FareTrack’s on time arrival as the BI for Airline Revenue Managers is perfectly timed for the industry. It’s easy to use, affordable, and reliable. FareTrack allows revenue managers to benchmark future fares against accurate customer-presented prices.

FareTrack offers several easy-to-use dashboards and lookup tables that allow you to track competitors’ fares and rapidly identify OTA rate parity challenges. Other prominent features include flexible filters for microanalysis, fare change indicators, point of sale information, and schedule views.
Complete and accurate data delivered on time is FareTrack’s strength. Working with the very largest travel brands, FareTrack and its parent company Aggregate Intelligence, are well known as the best in the world at providing consumer-presented fare data.