Smarter market intelligence

Smarter market intelligence for optimizing operational strategies

Our AI-driven data intelligence provides in-depth insights into market conditions, demand forecasting, and data intelligence for hotel room rates, car rental rates, and availability. This enables network operations teams to refine strategies and achieve operational excellence with precision and agility.

Monitor and analyze

The most flexible business intelligence tool for next level market analysis

AI-Driven smarter

AI-Driven smarter, more accurate market intelligence data

Innovative Shop Manager too

Innovative Shop Manager tool, for end-to-end user defined data management

most flexible

Flexible and transparent pricing that scales with your needs

Total flexibility

data solution
you control the cost

FareTrack offers unparalleled control over your data. With our Shop Manager, users can seamlessly launch, monitor, and optimize fare shopping campaigns from start to finish, giving you exceptional control and adaptability throughout the process.

Flexibility and transparency in pricing are central to FareTrack’s approach. With us, there are no setup fees or lengthy contracts; you only pay for the data you use.

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Market Overviews
Market Overviews

Our market overview data offers detailed market intelligence, crucial for understanding dynamics and opportunities for revenue growth. Our data includes market fare trends, and competitive share of market.

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    Market Fare Trends

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    Flight Market Share

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    Revenue Opportunities

Route Overviews
Route Overviews

Our data intelligence solution offers detailed route information vital for optimizing scheduling, fleet allocation, and strategic route development. It includes detailed insights into competitive behavior, fare volatility, competition intensity, and outlier assessments.

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    Granular Competitive Insights

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    Price Volatility Assessment

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    Outlier Assessment

Event Driven Demand
Event Driven Demand

Our event data solution offers insights on 10M+ events, aiding accurate demand forecasting crucial for inventory, pricing, and capacity management. With our dataset airlines can anticipate event impact on travel demand, enabling proactive operational planning.

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    10m+ Events

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    75,000 New Events added each week

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    Full event details

Other Travel Data
Other Travel Data

Identify cross-industry trends and correlations to better optimize operational management strategies based on a holistic view of the travel ecosystem

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    Car Rental Rates for any location

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    Room rates for 2m+ Hotels

Add Your Own Data

FareTrack provides a suite of fully customizable dashboards to facilitate smarter analysis. Our advanced analytics dashboards can be tailored to transform raw fare data into actionable insights customized to meet your specific business intelligence needs.

For instance, you can seamlessly merge internal data (such as load or yield factor) with external competitive fares to create compelling visualizations for in-depth analysis.

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    Include your own data for unique analysis

  • keypoints

    Customizable dashboards


Blogs & News

Offering expert insights, distinctive analysis, and informed
opinions on all aspects pertaining to airline revenue



Our ebooks provide comprehensive explorations of the key concepts in airline revenue management. We delve into subjects like NDC, Ancillary Revenue, Screen Bias, and Open Pricing, among others.